Friday, September 12, 2008

Wealth of Information

The internet has a wealth of information, though some of the best takes more digging than the worst of it. In my efforts to maximize the benefits of this blog, I've been searching and researching blogs similar to my own. It's a great way to find out what works and what doesn't work. I found far too many good blogs to list them all here, but here are some that I believe should be marked by authors and visited frequently:

Blog Book Tours, which has many ideas for building the value of your blog so that you can host tours. Authors can learn how to make their sites go viral and attract more comments.

The Book Views, which posts reviews, interviews and previews of upcoming works. I like that there is a loose flow to the site. It isn't as structured as mine, which is a good thing. I found several books on this blog that I have reviewed myself. That's always good. I can compare my thoughts to another reviewer's thoughts.

Books and Authors, which features some of the longest, but most interesting interviews I've read yet. This blogger also features book reviews.

Urban Christian Fiction, which features great books others probably overlook. I've purchased four books since I first visited her site. Normally, I don't get into AA Fiction for obvious reasons, but sometimes I think whites overlook the beauty and culture found in AA books.

Bibliophile's Retreat, which has massive amounts of info just there for the asking. Books galore that I'd never even heard of. I'm afraid I picked up a few books from what I read on this list too.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the recommendations

Unknown said...

KT Thanks so much for the link and recommendation of Bibliophile's Retreat.
