Monday, August 4, 2008

Review ~ "The Rape of Innocence" by Lacresha Hayes

The Rape of Innocence is a hard book, written from a upfront and in-your-face POV. It lays out a lifestyle that most of society are happy to forget exists.

Mrs. Hayes, minister and activist, put her very career on the line by writing in this style, yet somehow it worked well for the composition of the book.

The book begins with Lacresha's struggles as a child without a parent and ends with her victory over sexual assault by a traveling minister. In the in-between, she marries three times, nearly kills her first husband, commits adultery, turns to Christ and away again, and all that before finally coming to terms with who she was created to be.

I have to say, while I fully support this book and the message, it was so graphic that you have to prepare yourself before reading. I didn't do that because I had no idea what I would be in for. If you try to jump right into this book like a novel, the descriptive language will disturb you emotionally. In fact, this is the most haunting book I've ever read.


Anonymous said...

Read it and loved it. You're right, though. You have to be prepared for hard truth to read it. Also, you can look to shed some tears, whether male or female. It's one of my all time favorite reads.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this review, Karen. I appreciate it. It was the most unique review I've had.